TMG 2010: Una nuova interfaccia mobile per OWA FBA
Vi voglio segnalare l’articolo “Mobile Friendly Forefront TMG Forms Based Authentication Template” di Scott Glew – Co-founder, CPO di FastVue –. In questo articolo Scott illustra come utilizzare il nuovo template che Scott ha realizzato e reso disponibile gratuitamente, per rimpiazzare quello di default utilizzato da TMG 2010 per la FBA.
Questo nuovo template rende più semplice, rapido e preciso il logon da dispositivi mobili (iPhone & Co.) alla posta di Exchange via OWA. Ecco due schermate – prima/dopo - che ne chiariscono il risultato:
FBA Standard | FBA Mobile |
Vi riporto i passaggi principali, vi rimando comunque all’articolo di Scott per ulteriori dettagli:
“…Using The Template
The good news is that this template is free for you to download, modify and use in your environment.
- Download the template files here, or from the github repo.
- On your Forefront TMG Server, duplicate the existing ISA Templates folder at: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway\Templates\CookieAuthTemplates\ISA
- Rename the duplicated folder to ‘Custom’. You should now have the following path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway\Templates\CookieAuthTemplates\Custom\HTML
- Extract the downloaded zip file into the HTML folder above. Replace the usr_pwd.htm file when prompted.
- In your TMG Management Console, edit your desired Web Publishing rule and go to the Listener tab. Click Properties.
- On the Authentication tab, ensure HTML Forms Authentication is selected.
- On the Forms Tab enter ‘Custom’ (you don’t need to enter the entire path, just the word ‘Custom’ without the quotes)
- Click Apply and then apply the changes to TMG.
- Restart the TMG Firewall Service (Unfortunately TMG Caches these pages and restarting the service is the only way to clear it as far as I know).
You can also replace the Forefront TMG logo with your own company’s logo. Simply replace the ‘Logo.png’ file with your own company’s logo. Again, you will need to restart the TMG Firewall service for the change to take effect. …” – fonte:Mobile Friendly Forefront TMG Forms Based Authentication Template - Scott Glew
Aggiungo una nota:
“…For now, only the usr_pwd.htm file has been customized. This file is served when using Windows (Active Directory) authentication (set on the Authentication page in step 5 above).…”
Chiudo questo post sulla personalizzazione della form standard della FBA di TMG 2010 segnalandovi anche l’articolo “Creating a custom Forefront TMG 2010 OWA FBA logon page” sul blog di Richard kok dove illustra anche il funzionamento di un editor grafico (FBAEditor) per i form usati nella FBA. Di seguito un video sull’uso di FBAEditor v1.0.
Per domande, commenti potete scrivere sul blog, sul forum di oppure via mail a lconte<at>
A presto
Luca Conte
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MCSE/MCSA:Security, MCT, MCITP:Windows 2008
MCTS: Windows Virtualization, VMWare VCP
IEEE Member, CS Member
ISA/TMG Server Jumpstart 2012
27/28 Nov – Milano (iscrizioni aperte!)
Mobile Friendly Forefront TMG Forms Based Authentication Template
Sito Web della FastVue
Forum GitHub
Creating a custom Forefront TMG 2010 OWA FBA logon page
FBA Editor version 1.0 is released
Video demo su FBA Editor
Etichette: FastVue, FBA - Form Based Authentication, FBAEditor, ISA, Mobile, OWA, TMG
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