lunedì, giugno 02, 2008

ISA Server 2006 SP1 in Action (Demo)

Pur non essendo ancora stato rilasciato il Service Pack 1 è possibile prendere visione delle nuove funzionalità introdotte tramite i seguenti video realizzati da Yuri Diogenes (Support Engineer di Microsoft). Di seguito le demo realizzate e pubblicamente visionabili:

Demo 1 – Configuration Change Tracking

This demo shows the functionalities of this new feature and how to easily identify what change was done in the Firewall Policy.

Demo 2 – Web Publishing Rule Test Button

Very cool feature that can be used proactively to see if the publishing rule is working (prior to put in production) or reactively while troubleshooting an issue.

Demo 3 – Traffic Simulator

Tired to wait for the user to be able to see the error that he is receiving when accessing a web site? Now you can do your own simulation with this tool.

Demo 4 – Diagnostic Logging Query

With this integration you will be able to understand exactly what is going on when ISA is processing your request.


Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili qui

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