EventID 14109 - The ISA Server Standard Edition cannot run
Sono stati segnalati problemi con ISA Server 2006 dopo l'applicazione della patch MS09-12 per Windows Server 2003 SP1/SP2. Il problema segnalato interessa solo la versione Standard in esecuzione su sistemi con un numero totale di core superiore a 4.
Dopo il riavvio del server ISA non riparte generanto un EventID 14109. Il problema è risolvibile modificando il boot.ini del server ed inserendo il parametro /numproc=4 , forzandolo così ad utilizzare solo 4 processori.
Di seguito il post completo di Jim Harrison sul blog del Team di sviluppo di ISA Server:
"...We've received several reports of ISA Server Standard Edition restart failures after installation of last week's security updates.
The error message observed in this circumstance is: "Event ID 14109 (The ISA Server Standard Edition cannot run. Either the server is using more than 4 processors....)."
1. this specific problem only affects ISA Server Standard Edition and only when it's running on a computer that has a total of more than 4 CPU cores.
2. this issue does not affect Forefront TMG (MBE)The problem occurs when you install the MS09-012 patch under very specific circumstances. The Windows Sustained Engineering team is producing a detailed explanation of this behavior for the MS09-012 bulletin articles and will post that as soon as it's ready.
In the meantime, you can employ the following workaround to put your ISA Server back in service:
1. log on to the computer using a local administrator account
2. click the Start button, select Run
3. in the Run dialog, enter cmd and click OK
4. in the command window
a. type attrib -a -s -r -h c:\boot.ini and hit Enter
b. type notepad c:\boot.ini and hit Enter
5. at the end of the line under [operating systems], enter /numprocs=4
Note: if you have multiple boot entries, you should add this entry to the end of the line that is used to boot the default OS instance where ISA Server runs
6. save the boot.ini file
7. in the command window, type attrib +a +s +r +h c:\boot.ini and hit Enter
8. reboot your computer..."
fonte: ISA Team Blog
Luca Conte, MCSE/MCSA:Security, MCT, MCTIP: Windows 2008
MCTS: Windows Virtualization, VMWare VCP
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MS09-12 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (959454)
KB959454 - MS09-012: Vulnerabilities in Windows could allow elevation of privilege
KB833721 - Opzioni dei parametri disponibili per i file Boot.ini di Windows XP e di Windows Server 2003
Download - Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB956572)
Donwload - Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB952004)
Etichette: ISA Server 2006, Security Update
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