lunedì, novembre 11, 2013

TMG 2010 - Rilasciato Rollup 4 per SP2

newsE’ stato rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per TMG 2010 SP2 (Rollup 4). Il nuovo rollup, una volta installato, andrà a risolvere i bug descritti più avanti.

L’annuncio ufficiale sul blog del Team Forefront TMG è consultabile qui.

L’articolo della Knowledge base Microsoft KB 2870877 è consultabile qui.

Il Rollup 4 è scaricabile da qui.

Ecco i bug risolti:

FIX: Accounts are locked out beyond the AccountLockoutResetTime period in Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010 SP2

FIX: Incorrect Performance Monitor values when queried from a .NET Framework app in Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010

FIX: "URL" and "Destination Host Name" values are unreadable in the web proxy log of Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010

FIX: Firewall Service leaks memory if Malware Inspection is enabled in Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010

FIX: A password change is unsuccessful if a user's DN attribute contains a forward slash and an Active Directory LDAP-defined special character in Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010

FIX: "Query stopped because an error occurred while it was running" when you run a non-live query in Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010 SP2

FIX: Threat Management Gateway 2010 incorrectly sends "Keep-Alive" headers when it replies to Media Player WPAD file requests

FIX: Firewall service (Wspsrv.exe) crashes when a web publishing request is handled in Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010

FIX: Access to certain SSL websites may be unavailable when HTTPS Inspection is enabled in Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010

Il nuovo Build Number, una volta applicato il rollup 4, è: 7.0.9193.601

Per domande e commenti potete scrivere sul blog, sul forum di oppure scrivermi una mail a lconte<at>

Luca Conte
Consulting Services & Professional Training
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MCSE/MCSA:Security, MCT, MCITP:Windows 2008
MCSA:Windows 2012, MCTS: Windows Virtualization, VMWare VCP
IEEE Member, CS Member, ITIL v3 Foundation

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