Rilasciata la versione 4 di GFI WebMonitor per ISA Server 2006/2004

GFI WebMonitor 4 si presenta in tre versioni:
1. WebFilter Edition - Include URL filtering e website categorization
2. WebSecurity Edition – Include anti-virus, anti-phishing e spyware detection
3. UnifiedProtection Edition – Include le funzionalita' della WebFilter Edition e WebSecurity Edition.
Fra le notiva' presenti in tutte le versioni abbiamo:
WebGrade Database: GFI WebMonitor 4 comes with a human-reviewed site categorization database. This database allows users to set up filtering policies based on user/group/IP that specify who can access websites of which category. Websites can either be blocked or else allowed through with an appropriate warning/notification.
Time-based filtering: Each of the web-filtering policies may be configured to work on a time schedule. This means that administrators can configure the product to allow users/groups to access certain websites during specific time windows, for example, employees can be allowed to access news and entertainment websites during break time.
Anti-phishing: GFI WebMonitor 4 protects the users from the potential risks of social engineering by blocking access to phishing websites through an auto-updatable database of phishing URLs.
Anti-spyware: In addition to the multiple anti-virus engines provided with GFI WebMonitor 3, GFI WebMonitor 4 now also scans user downloads to block spyware infected files.
Quarantine: In addition to being blocked, with GFI WebMonitor 4, potentially hazardous files can now also be quarantined.
Download control policies: The administrator has the ability to create multiple user/group/IP based policies in order to block particular file-types from being downloaded by particular users.
File-type-based anti-virus scanning policies: The administrator can now define which anti-virus engine is used to scan which real file-types.
Whitelist and blacklist: Any URL/user/IP can be inserted permanently/temporarily to these lists in order to bypass all web filtering and web security policies.
Bandwidth monitoring: Through user and site bandwidth monitoring features, the administrator now has the ability to track download and upload traffic and the number of URL hits over time, either on a user basis or else on a website basis. Real-time monitoring may be achieved through drilldown reporting enhanced with graphs within the user interface.
Revamped user interface: The new GFI WebMonitor 4 user interface has been revamped for more convenient real-time monitoring and user-friendly configuration.
Per informazioni sui costi delle varie versioni è possibile fare riferimento a questa pagina:
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